The Truth Hurts


911, what's your emergency

They'll wash your brain
With their starry stain
They'll crash a jet
And say "Never forget"

They'll hide UFOs
And lace GMOs
So hide your DNA
From the USA

They'll film the "Moon"
All the children'll swoon
Over CGI
Concealing the lie

They'll poison your water
Indoctrinate your daughter
Feed you propaganda
And send you to FEMA

The truth hurts, America
The Land of MKultra
Where the White House
Teaches lies
Under freedom's guise

The truth hurts, America
Land of the 51st Area
Where President JFK
Was shot by the CIA

They'll give you the Jab
Microchips in a lab
Crisis actors'll act
And we'll take it as fact

They'll taint the clouds
To control the crowds
Install recorders
And start World Orders

Then they'll say the Sun's dead
Though the books we've read have said
It'll be a least a billion years
Before it disappears

The truth hurts, America
The Land of MKultra
Where the White House teaches lies
Under freedom's guise

The truth hurts, America
The land of MKultra
Where President JFK
Was shot by the CIA

"Well I'm not a crook, I've earned everything I've got"
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
"They're trying to rig this election"

The truth hurts, America
The Land of MKultra
Where the White House teaches lies
Under freedom's guise

The truth hurts, America
The land of MKultra
Where President JFK
Was shot by the CIA
